Udaipur. Aryika 105 Shri Supraakashmati Mataji announced her visit to Udaipur, creating an atmosphere of excitement among her devotees. Omprakash Godawat, the national spokesperson for Supraakayami Trust, mentioned that a group of 50 Shravan-Shravikas from Udaipur visited Adinath Moksha and Abhinandan Sagar Samadhi Divas Trimurti Abhinandan Sadhana Center to invite Mataji for the Udaipur Vihar.
After completing her extensive pilgrimage, covering 3500 kilometers, Guru Mata arrived with eight Aryikas. The Jain community of Udaipur warmly invited her, and she agreed to visit the city. Guru Mata stated that she will arrive in Udaipur on 2nd February 2025 and visit the Dhyanoday Tirth to pay her respects to Kamdhenu Shanti Nath.
Mataji will begin her journey on 30th January with an early morning Vihar and will hold a discourse in Salumbar. She will rest at Jay Samand Oda on 1st February. On 2nd February, around 2:30 PM, she will arrive at Dhyanoday Tirth in Baliicha, where a grand welcome will be hosted by the Jain community.
Omprakash Godawat, the chairman of Dhyanoday Tirth Baliicha, shared that the invitation card for the 6th Annual Celebration and Golden Shikhara Kalashrohan will be released in the presence of Guru Mata on 10th and 11th February.