Why Are Questions Raised Only About Politics? 

( 668 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 17 Oct, 24 11:10

- Atul Malikram (Author and Political Strategist)

Why Are Questions Raised Only About Politics? 

Nowadays, a term has become quite prevalent—nepotism. You might have heard it frequently, and in Hindi, we can refer to it as "bhai-bhatijavad." Its impact is noticeable in every field and at every level. However, politics seems to bear the brunt of this accusation the most. If you look around you, you'll easily find examples of it. This often leads me to question why politics and politicians are the only ones stigmatized by this label when such practices exist across various sectors.

While this term has gained traction recently, the practice of nepotism has been part of our society for years. Historically, the son of a king became a king, and the son of a teacher became a teacher. This has been a social trend in our ancient civilization. Even today, a businessman often wants to involve his children in his trade, and a doctor aspires for his offspring to follow in his footsteps. It’s natural human psychology for someone who has worked hard to succeed in a field to want to pass on that legacy to familiar and trusted hands. We must accept that a degree of nepotism exists within us all; however, it shouldn't be criminal.

If you are appointing a relative to a high position without any qualifications or using your identity to give them opportunities, that is absolutely wrong and should be openly opposed. 

Yet, in today’s context, politics is particularly tarnished by this notion. One reason might be the abundance of examples of nepotism in politics, where several generations of a family have been active in this field. This has led to the perception that politics is a bastion of nepotism. However, if we look at other sectors, we find similar situations. In the entertainment industry, for instance, it’s often seen that the children of film stars easily get opportunities. In sports, athletes sometimes get selected based on family connections. In business, heirs of major corporate houses often occupy significant positions without any specific qualifications. The difference lies in the visibility of these fields; politics is under the public eye, making it easier to scrutinize.

I am not advocating for nepotism, but I also do not support the ideology of targeting only one specific field. Regardless of the domain, I firmly believe that opportunities and positions should be based on merit. However, it would be unjust for a king's son, despite being qualified, not to ascend to the throne merely out of fear of nepotism allegations. 

We must also understand that a trend isn't inherently right or wrong; it's the thought process behind it that matters. If someone is acting solely out of self-interest and considering only the welfare of their kin, that is indeed wrong. However, if their actions are rooted in the welfare of the country and society, then it cannot be deemed incorrect.

In this context, nepotism is an issue present in every sector of society. Limiting the discussion to just politics and overlooking other areas only exacerbates the problem. When we restrict our focus to one domain, we fail to address the root of this important issue. We must realize that unless we raise our voices against nepotism across all sectors, finding a solution will remain elusive. To ensure that capable individuals receive proper opportunities, we need to prioritize transparency and fairness in every field. This is the way we can establish an egalitarian and merit-based society.

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