LS Election 2024 :Here's the voter's home on the mountain...

( 2173 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 21 Apr, 24 00:04

Election team climbs the mountain to fulfill duty Elderly woman casts her vote at home

LS Election 2024 :Here's the voter's home on the mountain...

Gogunda, Udaipur District: A shining example of dedication to duty was witnessed on Saturday in the village of Ravchh, under the Gogunda Assembly constituency of Udaipur district. As part of the ongoing home voting initiative in the district, the election team reached Ravchh on Saturday. The team's destination was the home of senior citizen voter Keli Devi. Despite her residence being situated atop a mountain, the election team made the effort to reach her home and facilitate her vote.

Understanding the importance of electoral responsibilities, the team braved through challenging terrain to reach Keli Devi's house, located at the top of the mountain. The route involved traversing through jungles and steep paths. Realizing the significance of their task, the team made the strenuous journey to ensure Keli Devi's participation in the electoral process.

Welcoming the election team into her home, Keli Devi expressed her happiness and cast her vote with a smile. She also expressed gratitude to the district administration and the Election Commission for their efforts.

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