Former President Kovind celebrates seniors' value

( 2868 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 08 Apr, 24 11:04

Former President Kovind celebrates seniors' value


Former President Kovind celebrates seniors' value.
Udaipur, April 7th. Former President Ram Nath Kovind will arrive in Udaipur by plane at 2:15 pm on April 7th. He will spend the night at a private hotel. On April 8th, at 10:55 am, he will visit the Maa Dropti Devi Anand Elderly Home in Sector 14, Hiran Magri, to participate as the chief guest in the program organized to mark the completion of 12 years of the elderly home. He will visit Nathdwara in the evening and participate in pre-scheduled programs on April 9th. Former President Kovind will depart for Delhi by plane at 3:00 pm on April 10th.

District Collector Arvind Poswal has instructed all relevant officials to ensure the complete implementation of the ideal conduct code, including security, escort, carcade, traffic, fire safety, and other arrangements, while observing this journey.

"Seniors are not a burden, but assets," says Ram Nath Kovind. Speaking at the grand ceremony marking the completion of 12 years of the Tara Sansthan in Udaipur on Monday, the 14th President of the country, Ram Nath Kovind, expressed his views. In this regard, the founding chairperson of the Tara Sansthan, Kalpana Goyal, and the founding secretary, Deepesh Mittal, welcomed the former president.

Kovind said, "Every family has its own stories. Some stories are small, some are big. Our lives pass by listening to and telling these stories. Therefore, we should think about what we have given to society, not just what we have taken. The day you feel like giving, believe me, you will get double the joy you were getting from just taking."


Highlighting the greatness of the holy land of Mewar, he said that great personalities like Maharana Pratap, Bhamashah, and Meera Bai have been born on this land. Their greatness is not only in India but also recognized in the world. The people of Udaipur never step back for their culture and civilization. The stories of this land are inspirational. Maharana Pratap, Bhamashah, and Meera Bai hold the highest place in Indian history. They have lived and nurtured the best traditions of human life in their own way. Maharana Pratap protected the nation and religious culture along with his subjects. Bhamashah, while using his wealth, donated all his wealth for the protection of the nation and religious culture. He wanted no one to remain hungry and no one to leave their religion due to poverty. Meera Bai's devotional tradition was so high that she believed only in Shri Krishna, even if she had to drink poison. The sentiment of service to humanity and religious culture of Mewar has always impressed them. Serving the poor and distressed is like serving God.

The former president said, "The operators of Tara Sansthan also seem to be descendants of them who are engaged in serving the elderly and the needy at such a high level today." He said that in today's era, due to increasing disintegration and the aspirations of physical comforts and luxuries, the youth of the family often leave their elderly parents alone and go for employment and economic benefits. Physical aspirations force them to do so. There is no fault in this. They have to do this for livelihood. In the same way, another reason for the elderly to stay alone in the family is that earlier the tradition of the joint family used to be in our society, but gradually this tradition has almost ended. We need to ponder over this. The beginning of this has to be done by oneself. Social and family responsibilities also need to be understood.

Kalpana Goyal, the founding chairperson of Tara Sansthan, welcoming the dignitaries, said that the inspiration to do such a noble work came from her father. Earlier, she used to be very emotional after seeing the condition of the elderly, but gradually, after staying with them and getting the opportunity to serve them, now she has gained courage and morale, and she enjoys serving them. Earlier, its inception was done in a small form, and today it is before everyone in a big form. Narayan Seva Sansthan founder Kailash Manav also expressed his thoughts at the event. The program was conducted by the founding secretary Deepesh Mittal.

Before this, former President Ram Nath Kovind met each of the seniors at the Tara Sansthan and talked to them. He visited the medical ward of the Sansthan where he learned about all the medical facilities and inquired about the health of the seniors. When he met Brijkishor Sharma, an elderly person in the ward, and learned about his well-being, he started leaving from there, then he realized that he sings very well. After listening to this, Ram Nath Kovind smiled and said that this song does not apply to you. After hearing this, he sang another song, "Leave the whole world, it's not suitable for anyone, but for humans."

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