The tribal community strongly voiced their demand for the government to amend Article 342.

( 1966 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 19 Jun, 23 05:06

The tribal community strongly voiced their demand for the government to amend Article 342.

The tribal community strongly voiced their demand for the government to amend Article 342. Their concerns were enthusiastically expressed, emphasizing preserving their cultural heritage. Speakers emphasized that conversions posed a threat not only to tribal culture but also to the entire nation. A large gathering of the tribal community convened at the Hunkar delisting rally in Udaipur, where the flag of the Tribal Security Forum was proudly raised, accompanied by the rich sound of conch shells.

In Udaipur, it was emphasized that conversions not only endanger tribal culture but also jeopardize the very existence of the tribal society. The urgency to address this issue was underscored as the identity of the tribal society hangs in the balance. The delisting movement symbolizes the struggle for the future of the tribal community, and it is crucial for everyone to deeply comprehend its significance and commit to its success. These impassioned appeals were made by speakers addressing the massive gathering at Gandhi Ground in Udaipur on Sunday.

On the occasion of Haldighati War Victory Day in Udaipur, Ramchandra Kharadi, the National President of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, highlighted the international conspiracy disguised as religious conversions that threaten the Sanatan culture. Commemorating the bravery of Maharana Pratap and Bhilu Rana Poonja during the Haldighati War, Kharadi urged the tribal society to unite in the cause of delisting to safeguard their culture.

Mahant Achyutanand Maharaj of Beneshwar Dham emphasized the importance of tribal communities for their children's future. He acknowledged the unity of tribals in their efforts to preserve their culture. Gulabdas Maharaj, a revered saint of the tribal community, likened the rain during the gathering to a divine blessing and led the present community members in a pledge to preserve their culture. Rajkumar Hansda, the National Co-Convenor of the Tribal Security Forum, and Prakash Uike, a District Judge from Damoh, also expressed their views on delisting. They stressed the need for an amendment to Article 342 of the Constitution, proposing a provision similar to Article 341, which safeguards the benefits given to Scheduled Castes (SC) in case of conversion.

Speakers highlighted the concerns of tribal leader Dr. Kartik Oraon, who, as early as 1968, voiced his worries about the conversion of tribal societies. Dr Karthik Oraon conducted an extensive study to address this constitutional anomaly, which revealed that converted Christians, comprising only 5 percent of the population, were availing 70 per cent of all ST jobs, scholarships, and government grants nationwide. Furthermore, there was a significant disparity in per capita grant allocation. To rectify this fundamental discrepancy, a Joint Parliamentary Committee recommended amending the 1950 presidential order, which excluded converts from the list of Scheduled Tribes (ST) in Article 342, through a parliamentary law. Although the draft garnered support from 348 MPs, it couldn't be passed into law as the Lok Sabha dissolved before its enactment.

Speakers drew attention to a 2009 study by anthropologist Dr. JK Bajaj, a member of the Indian Council of Social Science Research, highlighting the problem of disproportionate and double exploitation. It revealed that Christian converts and Muslims were the primary beneficiaries of ST facilities, receiving double benefits. Religious conversions also contributed to family problems, eroding cultural practices such as the Rakhi festival celebrated between brothers and sisters.

Laluram Katara, the State Convener of the Tribal Security Forum, asserted that those who abandon their faith, culture, tradition, language, and ancestral behaviour by converting to another religion should relinquish their rights as tribals. Tribal status is granted solely.

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