Tribal Museum

( 26840 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 24 Aug, 21 07:08

DR. Prabhat kumar singhal

 Tribal Museum

If you are intrested to see Tribal culture you must see The museum, run by the Tribal Research Institute, occupies a small, circular building. There, one can see a sample of the general items that would be used by an average Rajasthani tribal family; from clothing to tools and even weapons. The TRI has been set up to maintain records of all aspects of tribal life, form health to diet – from beliefs to customs. They have their own small but excellent museum in Ashok Nagar, Udaipur, as well as a superb library.

Besides this Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal, City Palace, Maharana Pratap, Aahar, Baggore Ki Haveli are the main museums to know the Cultural aspects.

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