Chintan Rana producer of Hindi film 3 DEV along with Ayub Khan of E4U Enterprises launched the trailer of their film with actors Kay Kay Menon, Karan Singh Grover, Kunaal Roy Kapur, Ravi Dubey , Poonam Kaur and Priya Banerjee at PVR Ikon, Andheri West. The film is made under the banner of R2 Phillum Productions and is directed by Ankoosh Bhatt. Rajan Batra, Mahendra Kataria, Yogesh Lakhani of Bright Outdoor,Vaidehi of Laughing Colours came specially for this event.The dialogues in the trailer are quite funny which will make you laugh. The movie also stars Raima Sen, Tisca Chopra, and Bengali star Prosenjit Chatterjee. The movie is scheduled to release on June 1.
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