Women dive into mining head-on: Hindustan Zinc

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08 Mar 22
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Women dive into mining head-on: Hindustan Zinc

Hindustan Zinc is a firm believer in the significance of diversity and equal opportunity in the success and growth of any company and has made it one of the foundational ideals of its human resource management strategy. The company acknowledges the significance of bringing the perspectives of women to the table and has implemented several policies and practices for that purpose. The company is dedicated to the Women Empowerment Principles developed and distributed by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), in collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact.

Women hold critical roles at Hindustan Zinc in numerous departments such as marketing, CSR, supply chain and logistics, and communication. Women make up about 15% of the executive personnel in the company. Women's employment and research opportunities have risen and broadened since the government lifted the ban on women entering mines, allowing women engineers and geologists to work in the underground mines.

Various initiatives were implemented to strengthen the number of women employees and to encourage more women, as a result of which accomplishments such as recruiting the first women mining engineers came to Hindustan Zinc. Sandhya Rasakatla, the Underground Mine Manager of Hindustan Zinc's Zawarmala Mine, and Yogeshwari Rane, the Head of Planning & Development at Hindustan Zinc's Kayad Mine, were both conferred the "First Class Mines Manager" certificate of competency in the "Unrestricted" category.The company also has

The company’s Diversity Mentoring Program is aimed at supporting women professionals. The objective has been to nurture a pool of talented women by promoting improved retention, developing a coping system for organisational change, and supporting women professionals in self-development. During the first phase of the program, 168 women professionals were acknowledged and mentored by 108 higher-ranking leaders in the company.

Hindustan Zinc assures and administers no discrimination in its promotion, recruitment, placement criteria, or any other issues related to employment to promote and foster diversification as a regular practice within the company and in all associations involving key stakeholders. The employee's work and expertise serve as the only criteria for remuneration.

Hindustan Zinc is focused on supporting diversity and inclusion both inside the company and among its partner communities. In FY 2011, women in the executive workforce were at 6% and by the end of FY 2021 the number stood at 15%

highlighting the growing women workforce in the company across levels and positions.

Hindustan Zinc's Diversity & Inclusion policy assists in determining, organising, planning, and implementing the agenda, support apparatus, and scope of actions required to eliminate the inequality that prevents the company from meeting its diversity goals. Excellent on-site medical services, child daycare facilities, restrooms, residential settlements, and other amenities are available to help women accomplish their responsibilities effectively while meeting their fundamental demands for a healthy and clean work environment. As a result of these attributes, Hindustan Zinc has one of the highest return to work ratios of women professionals who return to work after maternity leave. It exemplifies the ease with which the organization's women professionals can balance their work and personal responsibilities and commitments.

According to the latest study, 401 women employees are in executive and non-executive positions at Hindustan Zinc, accounting for 10.78% of full-time employees, with 9.46% representation in top management positions, 11.2% in Operations and Maintenance, and 33.7% in Enabling functions. Women in mining who work in Asset Integrity, Mine O&M, and Mill O&M constitute 9.4% of the workforce, while women in smelting who work in operations such as Smelter Asset Integrity, Smelter Operation, Lab, etc constitute 14.5% of the workforce. At the same time, women constitute 35% of the active security workforce, and women in the quality function which overlooks and ensures quality checks & systems in processes stands at 46%. These figures are anticipated to grow as the company initiates novel and innovative programs and initiatives to encourage and nurture women professionals.

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