MPUAT: 8th Five-Year Review Meeting of the Integrated Tuber Crop Research Project Held

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07 Nov 24
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MPUAT: 8th Five-Year Review Meeting of the Integrated Tuber Crop Research Project Held

Udaipur – The two-day review meeting for the North and Western region of the All India Coordinated Tuber Crop Research Project, organized by the Directorate of Research at Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, was inaugurated at the university's research hall. The meeting will review the five-year activities of the project, with scientists from four different universities and research centers under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) presenting their progress reports.

Dr. Ajit Kumar Karnatak, Vice Chancellor of MPUAT, Udaipur, shared his message, stating that the five-year review meeting is crucial for evaluating and assessing research activities. The members of this high-level review team include experienced former vice chancellors, directors, and deans. The meeting will review the research work carried out over the past five years and provide guidance for future research directions. Dr. Karnatak emphasized that tuber crops are a major source of livelihood for the tribal communities in the Mewar region, and he stressed the need for climate-adapted and organic research on these crops to increase both yields and income for farmers.

Dr. S. D. Shikhamani, former Vice Chancellor of Y.S.R. Horticultural University, Andhra Pradesh, and Chairperson of the Review Committee, stated that tuber crops have become an integral part of the food chain today. He mentioned that the All India Coordinated Tuber Crop Research Project is being implemented across 21 universities in the country under the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), which is focusing on research on crops such as sweet potato, yam, taro, elephant foot yam, turmeric, and ginger.

Dr. G. Baiju, Director of the Central Tuber Crops Research Institute in Thiruvananthapuram and Project Director, highlighted that over the last five years, 43 improved varieties of tuber crops have been developed nationwide, which will benefit farmers. He also mentioned that 21 centers across the country are preserving the germplasm of tuber crops.

Dr. Arvind Verma, Director of Research at MPUAT, welcomed the members of the review committee and scientists from various research centers. He elaborated on the significance of tuber crops for agriculture in Mewar and their relevance in the context of Rajasthan. Dr. Verma explained that the research on tuber crops started at MPUAT as a voluntary center in 2005-2006, and in 2015, the center was approved as a permanent unit of the All India Coordinated Tuber Crop Research Project. Ongoing research on tuber crops continues in the southern region of Rajasthan.

The meeting also saw the participation of prominent members of the review committee, including Dr. S. K. Pandey, former Director of ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla; Dr. V. S. Korikantimath, former Director of ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa; Dr. Jagan Mohan, Director of Student Welfare and Head of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, NIFTEM, Thanjavur; and Dr. G. Suja, Head of Crop Production at ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram.

During the event, a dialogue was held with 50 local farmers, where scientists addressed their concerns and provided solutions. Additionally, three technical bulletins were launched by the guests. Dr. Virendra Singh, Associate Professor and Project In-charge of the All India Coordinated Tuber Crop Research Project, thanked all the attending officials and scientists. The program was conducted by Dr. Latika Sharma, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics.

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