Udaipur, Rajasthan || On January 5, 2025, the Social Security Federation of India, New Delhi branch, visited the brick kiln workers 50 kilometers away from the Udaipur district headquarters, in the tribal region of Khakhal village on Jay Samand Road. The Federation's National General Secretary, Mr. Saurabh Gupta, and District President, Mr. Giriraj Mali, interacted with the workers and listened to their concerns.
The workers, who are from Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan, explained that they have been working at the brick kiln for the past nine months. They are accompanied by their children, aged between 3 and 16 years, who are not attending school because the nearby school is not admitting them. Moreover, they are not receiving the benefits of government schemes on time, and most of them do not have bank accounts.
National General Secretary Saurabh Gupta assured the workers that he would engage in positive talks with the brick kiln owner and contractor to address their issues. He also promised to help them access government schemes with the support of the district administration. This information was provided by the Federation's Media Incharge, Ravi Kumar Goyal.