On the occasion of International Women's Day, senior police officer and poet Chetna Bhati has been conferred with the Women's Empowerment Poetry Gem Award by the Nepalese organization Shabd Pratibha Bahumukhi Kshetriya Samman Foundation. Serving as the Deputy Superintendent of Police in the Udaipur CID Zone, Bhati was honored for achieving the first position in the International Women's Empowerment Poetry Competition 2024 organized by the renowned literary organization in Nepal.
The prestigious international recognition was bestowed upon her for her participation and outstanding performance in the poetry competition, where poets from 20 states across India, as well as Nepal, the United States, and Tanzania, showcased their talent. The award was presented by Anand Giri Mayalu, the President of the Foundation, who extended warm wishes for a bright future to poetess Bhati. Secretary Charna Kaur, a member of the selection committee, highlighted the widespread participation and shared the enthusiasm of poets from various regions, fostering literary and cultural exchange."