Friendly Cricket Match Organized for Cancer Awareness

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16 Jan 25
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Friendly Cricket Match Organized for Cancer Awareness

Udaipur. In recent years, the number of cancer patients has significantly increased. There is widespread fear about this disease, and it is often considered incurable, but cancer treatment is possible, says cancer specialist Dr. Manoj Mahajan. To raise awareness among the public about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and fitness related to cancer, a friendly cricket match was organized under the "Beat Cancer" campaign. Led by Dr. Manoj Mahajan from Cancer Care Clinic, players and employees from various institutions participated in the event, taking a pledge to spread awareness.

Dr. Manoj Mahajan explained that in today’s fast-paced life, stress levels have increased significantly. In the race to strengthen their financial position, people tend to neglect their fitness, leading to various health issues. However, if we strive to stay physically fit, diseases like cancer can also be managed. Various sports competitions are usually held in January, and under this initiative, the "Beat Cancer" campaign was launched with a friendly cricket match. Employees from different institutions in Lake City participated, gaining insights into cancer prevention, screening, symptoms, and treatment. In the future, free camps will be organized to further educate the public about cancer awareness.

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