Kota, A meeting of the state executive members of the Akhil Rajasthan Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Sanyukt Karmchari Sangh was held on Sunday at Gangaur Hotel, Jaipur. During the meeting, the organization's patron and founder, Chhotilal Bunkar, addressed the challenges faced by Anganwadi workers during their duties. He emphasized the need to approach the government for resolving these issues. If demands are not met, the organization has decided to stage a protest against the government.
The meeting was attended by state president Lakshmi Yadav, state minister Chander Kumari Charan, divisional coordinator from Kota, Bhagwati Joshi, and other state officials. The key agenda was to organize a protest on January 21 at the Directorate of Women and Child Development, where the workers will present their demands to the government.
Founder C.L. Bunkar expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, stating that Anganwadi workers neither receive an increase in honorarium nor any financial support post-retirement, leaving them with no security. Their primary demand is to be recognized as regular state employees.
Bunkar criticized the government for neglecting Anganwadi workers, calling it an "anti-worker" administration. He pointed out that Anganwadi workers form a crucial part of the information and service delivery system yet continue to face discrimination and apathy. He urged the government to take immediate steps to address their grievances and safeguard their interests.
The protest on January 21 aims to draw attention to these pressing issues and push for tangible action from the government.