The Importance of Proper Education for Teachers

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28 Sep 24
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- Atul Malikram (Author and Political Strategist)

The Importance of Proper Education for Teachers

When you reminisce about your school days, whose face comes to mind first? Perhaps it’s those teachers who introduced you to the world of books. They didn’t just teach you how to read; they instilled fundamental principles for living a meaningful life. They ignited the flame of knowledge within you, guiding you towards success. Now, imagine if those very teachers were deprived of accurate information themselves—would you be where you are today?

Acharya Chanakya believed that teachers are never ordinary; they nurture creation and destruction in their hands. The significance of a teacher in society cannot be underestimated. They don’t just impart knowledge; they also provide direction on the path of life. Just as a potter skillfully shapes clay into beautiful pots, teachers mold the futures of their students. But what if the potter is not skilled? An incomplete understanding can be detrimental, and similarly, a teacher's partial knowledge can lead to significant issues. The solution lies in giving proper attention to teacher training.

As I observe the world around me, I confront a disheartening reality. Many teachers, who hold the responsibility for our children's futures, are not fully proficient in their subjects. The information they pass on is often incomplete or incorrect. For instance, a Hindi teacher may not even grasp the nuances of phonetics. If a teacher lacks correct knowledge, how can they teach students effectively? This isn’t just about one individual; a teacher’s inadequate knowledge can misguide an entire generation. Thus, it is imperative that we seriously consider the training of teachers.

Just as a soldier is meticulously trained before entering the battlefield to defend the nation, or an administrative officer is educated about their role’s importance before taking office, teachers must also receive proper training. A teacher is as crucial for the nation as a soldier or an administrator. They prepare our children for life's challenges, guiding them towards knowledge and molding them into responsible citizens.

Therefore, the government and educational institutions must take strict measures in this direction. Training programs for teachers should be made mandatory, incorporating at least two months of training. This training should cover not only the intricacies of their subjects but also modern teaching techniques. Being a good teacher requires more than just subject knowledge; it is essential to learn how to simplify complex topics for students. Additionally, teachers should be familiarized with contemporary educational tools and techniques, such as e-learning, digital tools, and interactive teaching methods.

A teacher's role extends beyond merely teaching; it includes fostering the moral and mental development of students. Therefore, training programs should also equip teachers to understand students’ mindsets, their social environments, and personal issues. Regular assessments of teachers’ performance are also crucial. After completing training, it is vital to ensure that teachers are effectively utilizing the knowledge and techniques they have acquired. This necessitates ongoing evaluation and inspection.

While this addresses the need for training, another issue plaguing our education system is the ease with which one can become a teacher. In our country, becoming a teacher is so simple that many turn to this profession when they have no other options. This mindset leads to the emergence of teachers who lack sufficient knowledge and do not recognize the significance of their role. In contrast, many other countries have a rigorous and respected process for becoming a teacher.

For instance, in the UK, teachers are compared to nurses and social workers, and parents encourage their children to pursue teaching careers. Countries like Finland and Singapore select the most qualified graduates to become teachers, while in China and Greece, teachers hold the highest status. These nations have stringent exams and qualifications for teachers. However, in India, there are no such rigorous examinations or standards for this vital profession. Consequently, the future of our nation is entrusted to individuals without adequate scrutiny. Thus, India must establish stringent criteria for appointing teachers and place greater emphasis on their education, ensuring a solid foundation for the next generation.

If we aspire for our society to be bright and prosperous, we must first focus on the training of teachers. A trained teacher will not only guide their students correctly but also contribute to building a robust and empowered generation in society.

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