Division organized a series of events on 28 Dec 2024 to honour the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the Battle of Nagi in the 1971 Indo-Pak War. The purpose of the event was to pay tribute to the fallen heroes, ensuring their courage and sacrifice is never forgotten.
The ceremony began with a wreath-laying ceremony, attended by war heroes, veterans, families of brave hearts, civilians and uniformed personnel. The series of events included a “Run for Brave Hearts” and a “Cycle Rally” led by NCC cadets, followed by a bike rally, reflecting the widespread support and admiration for the soldiers.
The significant moment of the day was the Unveiling of a Plaque by esteemed war heroes and Veer Naris, marking the completion of the renovation of the Nagi War Memorial. This memorial now stands as a tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of the Indian soldiers.
The day concluded with an emotional interaction with the war veterans and Veer Naris, where they shared stories of valour and sacrifice. This touching moment was a reminder of the great courage displayed by the soldiers during the war.
The event brought people together from all walks of life, strengthening the community’s bond and reinforcing the importance of remembering our heroes. The day was filled with respect, compassion and a deep sense of gratitude towards those who served the nation with unwavering courage.