Dr. Amit Satish Gupta Invited to Nepcon 2023

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14 Dec 23
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Dr. Amit Satish Gupta Invited to Nepcon 2023

Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital in Hyderabad extended an invitation to Dr. Amit Satish Gupta, a distinguished specialist in respiratory diseases, to deliver a keynote address on the topic of "Treatment of Infections in Bronchiectasis Patients" at the prestigious Nepcon 2023 national conference. This conference, recognized as one of the largest gatherings in respiratory medicine, featured top pulmonologists and chest specialists from across India.

Dr. Amit S. Gupta shared his insights on managing challenging cases of respiratory diseases, particularly focusing on bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is a condition characterized by permanent damage to the airways, leading to persistent coughing and difficulty in breathing over an extended period. Dr. Gupta emphasized the complexities involved in managing these patients and highlighted the need for specialist advice and proper care.

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