Discussion on the Importance of Gurus and Vivekananda Held on Guru Purnima

( Read 2017 Times)

20 Jul 24
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Discussion on the Importance of Gurus and Vivekananda Held on Guru Purnima

Udaipur – On the occasion of Guru Purnima, Bhopal Nobles University’s Girls’ Unit and Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Udaipur branch, jointly organized a discussion on the current significance of gurus while remembering Swami Vivekananda. Dr. Pukhraj Sukhlecha of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari’s Udaipur branch addressed the National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers of the Girls’ Unit, emphasizing that a guru is the secret to any person’s success. He stated that life is incomplete without a guru and that the diminishing importance of gurus is an unfavorable sign for any society and nation. True knowledge can only be attained through a guru. He highlighted that Vivekananda chose his guru after careful examination and that his personality remains exemplary for the youth today. He urged everyone to emulate Vivekananda and contribute to the development of the nation and society.

Sanjeev Bhardwaj and Ramesh Chandra Kumhar shed light on the activities of the center, conducting a prayer and Guru Vandana with three Omkars.

Dean Dr. Shilpa Rathore, in her address to the volunteers, mentioned that such events boost their enthusiasm. She encouraged the volunteers to continuously draw inspiration from Vivekananda’s personality for personal growth. NSS Program Officer Dr. Lokeshwari Rathore elaborated on the structure and activities of NSS, emphasizing the aim to directly connect the youth with the development of society and the nation.

The event was also attended by Dean of Student Welfare Dr. Madhavi Rathore, faculty members Dr. Devendra Singh Sisodia, Dr. Aparna Sharma, Dr. Kanchan Rathore, and Dr. Rekha Menaria. The information was provided by the university's Public Relations Officer, Dr. Kamal Singh Rathore.

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