BN Institution Celebrates 102nd Foundation Day with Enthusiasm

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02 Jan 24
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BN Institution Celebrates 102nd Foundation Day with Enthusiasm

Udaipur : The Pratap Square of the Bhupal Nobles Institute was filled with joyous celebrations as the institution marked its 102nd Foundation Day with grandeur. The occasion was marked by a havan ceremony, symbolizing the achievements of the institute and offering prayers for its continued development.

The formal ceremony commenced with the institute anthem, setting the tone for the event. Tej Singh Banshi, the former director of the institute, extended congratulations and best wishes for the institute's accomplishments, emphasizing the need for collective efforts to reach new heights. He urged adaptation to changing scenarios and the establishment of new dimensions.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Mahendra Singh Rathore, the Secretary of the institute, attributed the success to the hard work of the staff. He emphasized the institute's development based on a sense of community and encouraged embracing change in line with evolving perspectives.

In his inaugural address, Dr. Mahendra Singh Rathore, the Institute's Secretary, highlighted the need for concerted efforts to achieve new milestones and appreciated the invaluable contributions of former executive members and patrons towards the institute's development.

Dr. Kamalendra Singh Ranawat, the Dy.Director of SIERT and a member of the Vidya Pracharini Sabha, expressed satisfaction with the progress of the institute. He stressed the importance of imparting values and skills for holistic development in boys and fostering a culture of dialogue among students.

Bhanu Pratap Singh Solanki, the Minister of the Old Boys Association, reminisced about the institute's glorious tradition and encouraged attendees to participate in blood donation and medical camps organized by the association.

Dr. Kamal Singh Rathore elaborated on the institute's progress, emphasizing the need for adaptability and innovation in a changing world. On this occasion, athletes who excelled in All India University Athletics Competitions were honored.

The blood donation camp organized by the Old Boys Association collected 102 units of blood, with certificates of appreciation presented to NCC officers, cadets, and staff members who participated.

Various dignitaries, including Rajendra Singh Tana, Shakti Singh Karoi, Kuldeep Singh Tal, Kamalendra Singh Kachher, Chandra Gupta Singh Chauhan, and executive members of the Old Boys Association, were present at the event. The program concluded with the national anthem.

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