Udaipur: At the upcoming 2025 Republic Day celebrations, Anindita Shakya, a talented cadet from Udaipur, will showcase her dance skills at the cultural events of the RD Camp in New Delhi.
Anindita, a disciple of Renu Gorera from the Sur Sangam Sanstha, has achieved remarkable milestones. She was awarded the "Book Prize" by the Army Chief's wife and has been selected to perform at the cultural event held at the Prime Minister's Residence and the PM Rally.
Wing Commander Nataraj Dagur, Commanding Officer of 6 Raj Air Squadron NCC, will represent the Rajasthan Directorate as the Contingent Commander during the Republic Day celebrations. Navy and Army cadets will also participate in the event.
Anindita's achievement is a proud moment for Udaipur and serves as an inspiration for young talents to excel in their respective fields.