Ritisha Jain, a talented seventh-grade student from Delhi Public School, Udaipur, has made her school proud by securing top positions at the school, district, and state levels in the Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) exam, ultimately earning a spot at the national camp.
Exam coordinator Mr. Kavish Jain informed that Ritisha performed excellently at the state-level camp held in Jaipur, which earned her a place at the national camp. In recognition of her achievement, she was honored by the Governor of Rajasthan, Shri Haribhao Bagde, at a grand ceremony in Jaipur.
The national camp, organized by the Department of Science and Technology, NCERT, VIBHA organization, and the Government of India, will be held at IIT Kanpur, where Ritisha will represent Rajasthan.
The school’s Pro Vice-Chairman Mr. Govind Agarwal, Principal Mr. Sanjay Narwaria, and Vice-Principal Mr. Rajesh Ghabhai expressed their happiness over Ritisha’s remarkable achievement and congratulated her and her parents, wishing her a bright future ahead.