Republic Day 2024 - Heartiest Greetings

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29 Jan 24
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 Republic Day 2024 - Heartiest Greetings

n the proud occasion of Republic Day 2024, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you. Our nation's Constitution Festival, Republic Day, is filled with the vision of a strong, prosperous, and peaceful India. On the occasion of Republic Day, we express our faith in the ideals of the Constitution. This celebration reminds us of the history of patriotism, sacrifice, and dedication, as our ancestors gave their all for the freedom of our country.

To maintain the democratic identity, a strong and welfare-oriented constitution was crafted. The purpose of the Republic is unity, integrity, inclusive development, and public welfare. Indian Republic has earned a distinct identity in the world due to its unique features. In our Constitution, all citizens have equal rights without any discrimination. The citizens have used their constitutional rights to establish a robust foundation for our democratic governance. The commitment of the citizens is to ensure the flawless existence of the Indian Republic in every circumstance.

To preserve the unity and integrity of the country, we must always remain vigilant. This requires us to keep the historical, cultural, and political glory of the country flourishing.

This Republic Day is a celebration of pride for all of us, lighting the lamp of responsibility in our lives.

Best wishes,0Amarika Singh=Former ViceChancellor, ML:SU

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