Renowned comedian Sunil Pal is set to release his thought-provoking film, 'Coffee With Alone', aimed at raising awareness about depression. Blending comedy with a meaningful message, the film emphasizes understanding individuals who show signs of loneliness or anger. It highlights the importance of family and friends offering emotional support to help loved ones combat the dangers of depression.
Sunil Pal sheds light on the movie’s premise, explaining that today’s fast-paced world has led many to struggle silently. From anger issues and concentration difficulties to constant sadness and frustration, these are common symptoms of depression. Drawing inspiration from real-life observations, Pal addresses the urgent need for empathy and communication within families and friendships.
The film, written and acted by Sunil Pal, underscores how timely support can make a difference in battling inner turmoil. Produced by Sarita Pal and directed by Azad Hussain, 'Coffee With Alone' is a heartfelt attempt to spread awareness and bring about a positive change in society.
The movie will soon hit the screens, aiming to entertain and educate its audience simultaneously.
Presented by: Kali Das Pandey