The Rajasthan unit of the Education and Culture Upliftment Trust launched the Knowledge Kumbh-2025 Prayagraj Invitation Campaign. Dr. Chandrashekhar Kachhawa, National Coordinator of History Education, and Dr. Dharmendra Yadav, State Coordinator of Technical Education, Jodhpur Region, met with representatives from universities, educational institutions, and various organizations across Rajasthan and the country to invite them to participate in the grand Kumbh Mela.
Dr. Dharmendra Yadav stated that the Prayagraj Kumbh 2025 has become a major center of international attraction this year. This event is not just a religious gathering but a celebration of India’s cultural heritage, education, and faith. The objective of the Education and Culture Upliftment Trust is to connect people with this heritage and instill pride in it.
On this occasion, the National Secretary of the Trust, Dr. Atul Bhai Kothari, Sangh Chalak Tekchand Bardiya, Prof. Annaram, Prof. Arun Kumar Singh, Dr. Sant Kumar Chaudhary, Dr. Shailendra Yadav, Dr. Gunjan Soni, Dr. PK Saini, and several other scholars called for participation in the Kumbh Mela.