The coming time will be an eventful time for the Smart city beautiful.As per Indian Calendar Vatant Ritu—Spring season is approaching fast.Festivities of Mother Nature and men made festivities will coincide in coming days.
On Monday,8 Feb. West Zone Cultural Centre along with Rang Tarang and Rukmini Foundation is Presenting ‘Sham –e- Ghazal’ at Darpan Auditorium.Dedicated to legendary Ghazal singer Shri Jagjeet Singh,this event will comprise melodious singing by Dr. Prem Bhandari,Dr. Devendra Singh Hiran and Dr. Pamil Modi.
On13th and 14th Feb the city will have pleasure to host World Music Festival at Fateh Sagar Paal and Zonal Railway Training Institutes ground.
Music…let us talk about it…
God has created us, the Universe, the Environment, Man and Music.Man (Human being) has defined music in his own way with local resources and indigenous flavor, thus the regional music was born.We live in specific geographical region and listen to that melody developing relationship with it. We grow with Music and attain maturity.Slowly we listen to music of other regions and start finding similarity and diversity in melody and rhythm. Some of us always explore and find novelty.This openness in us energize to enjoy the music of other region. Music lovers are not confined to one type of Music, their exploration goes beyond geographical boundaries. Since Music is part of our Culture, we start taking interest in the Culture of other regions. Through music one region meets other region other region, one state meets other state one country meets other country. Our liking for other region is visible in our food, dress, literature, life style, furniture, ornaments, plants etc. Media and IT played tremendous role in popularizing Music of different parts of the world.
Truly speaking Music has tremendous power to bring people close to each other breaking the geographical barriers as the Music is liked by every body.All of us are not Musicians or singers or instrumentalist, but surely we are are Music lovers.Music lovers are Culture Lovers.Every Music composer arranges the sound of instruments, vocal rendering in such a way that the listener starts enjoying. This Music comes from the Mother Nature and we like it because we love nature. Without nature we can not exist.Broadly speaking Nature gives us great teaching of love and co-existence. Appreciating Music of other region is in our Culture.
Coming International Music Festival designed and produced by Sehar and sponsored by Wonder Cements, Rajasthan Tourism, Hindustan Zinc Ltd. would be give new prestige to Udaipur.More than 100 artistes form 12 countries would enthrall Udaipurites. Some of them are Grammy Awardees Music lovers of Udaipur thank all the organizers for this wonderful Musical treat in the International Music Festival…..
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----vilas janve----
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